The cost of providing Christ-centred education at the Ottawa Christian School is funded by both parents of children enrolled in the school as well as the non-parent supporting community. Enrolment at OCS is not based on a fee-for-services-rendered basis because the value of Christian education is immeasurable in financial terms, and the viability of the school depends on much more than the financial contributions of parents - for example the efforts of unpaid volunteers, and significant assets such as the land and building provided by previous supporters. Nevertheless, to ensure adequate financial resources for the operation of the school and equitable sharing of that obligation, the formula used to calculate the tuition determines the financial contribution expected from each family whose children are enrolled at OCS.
For families with children in Grades 1 - 8, the expected pledge is proportional to the family's gross income. Families with unusual circumstances that would affect their ability to pay the calculated amount may apply for a tuition bursary. (Contact the Finance Committee for the application process). A bursary is given entirely at the discretion of the Tuition Bursary Committee, based on the need of all applicants and the availability of donated funds.
The Ottawa Christian School Association is recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency as a registered charity. As such, we may issue charitable donation receipts for financial gifts to the Association. CRA deems that families whose children attend OCS derive some benefit from that, and therefore, to determine the portion of a family's pledge which can be considered a gift, the school is required to deduct a “cost-per-student” multiplied by the number of students that family has enrolled in the school. Charitable donation receipts can be used to reduce the family's income tax, which in effect means that, for most families, the after-tax cost is significantly less than the pledge amount calculated. Note that once receipted, pledges cannot be refunded. This includes advance tuition paid by a family that withdraws from the school.
The revenue derived from tuition does not cover the total cost of providing a Christian, high quality alternative education. Membership fees and donations, church offerings, fundraising events and other programs all help reduce the cost borne by parents. All families are encouraged to participate in fund-raising projects and the volunteer effort that is required to operate the school. Everyone is encouraged to promote the school at every opportunity, and to continue to support the school after their children have graduated, so that others may benefit in the same way.
Parents who enroll their children at OCS agree to abide by the following policies regarding pledges:
- The total pledge amount is payable in 10 monthly installments.
New families - the first cheque is to be dated immediately, the other nine are payable on the 1st of each month (July 1, 2022 to March 1, 2023) and must be submitted with the pledge form (or complete the pre-authorized debit form (PAD)).
Returning families will begin their payments from June 1, 2022-March 1, 2023. An annual lump sum payment for the full year's tuition can be provided on June 1, 2022 and receipted according to CRA rulings. Please contact the bookkeeper to arrange an alternative payment schedule.
- The pledge amount for a portion of the school year is calculated as 1/10 of the total amount multiplied by the number of months or part-months attended. Once a family has registered, they are obligated to provide a minimum of three months' notice of intention to withdraw from the school. In lieu of such notice, payment of the pledge amount for the three-month notice period will be required. (The three-month notice is required for cancellation of bus services as well.) Families that enroll during the school year must pay the first three pledge installments in advance.
- Late, incomplete or incorrect pledge forms, forms submitted without cheques or a pre-authorized debit form, cheques held at the payer's request or not honoured by the bank or any other failure to abide by the payment schedule will be assessed an administration fee of $30. The Finance Committee will consider individual financial circumstances and may waive such fees at its discretion. Families experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to contact a member of the committee to confidentially discuss their situation. It is our prayer that the burden of the cost of Christian education will be borne by all, in proportion to the means each has been blessed with.