
It is a beautiful thing to watch God work through a community of believers! At Ottawa Christian School, we are blessed with staff, parents, non-parent members, supporters and churches who work together to show our children who they are in Christ and His unconditional love for them. When you donate to OCS, you are donating to the future of our students' intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

Credit card payments are processed through Zeffy, which provides services at zero cost to nonprofits. At the end of your transaction, you will be asked if you would like to give a "donation" to Zeffy which allows them to offset their costs of running this platform. You can if you wish but there is no obligation to do so and you can enter $0.00 in the amount when asked. Whether it’s a one-time donation or a monthly donation, 100% goes to Ottawa Christian School! You will receive an immediate tax receipt for the full amount of your donation, issued by Zeffy on our behalf.

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On Saturday, May 11, 2024 OCS students and families will be participating in the school’s annual Cleanathon Fundraiser. Families will be working together to clean up parks, streets and public areas in various parts of Ottawa. In this way, we will be demonstrating stewardship for creation as well as corporately participating in raising funds for the school in a healthy and active way.

We use Zeffy as our online donation platform for Cleanathon 2024 so that 100% of your donation will go to OCS. All donations will be emailed an immediate tax receipt issued by Zeffy on behalf of OCS.

Paying by Cheque:

If you prefer to pay by cheque, please make your cheque payable to: Ottawa Christian School, with your name, mailing address & email, noting that the funds are for Cleanathon 2024 as well as which family (or families) is being sponsored. Please drop off cheques at the school’s Front Office or mail them to the school: 255 Tartan Drive, Nepean, ON K2J 3T1 by end of day Friday, May 11th for it monies to count towards the family's goal.

** Please note we do not accept e-transfers or cash **

Any questions can be emailed to: (please allow 24 hrs for a reply Mon-Fri).

Click the picture below to donate today.



Planting Seeds for the Kingdom Campaign

Ottawa Christian School is thriving! The gardeners who planted this small seed of Christian Education in 1967 had a vision to educate children in a vibrant and creative environment, equipping them for a life of faithful Christian discipleship and service. With the help of many brothers and sisters in Christ, we see God’s faithfulness in carrying out this vision and we are seeing the seeds turn into beautiful plants.

As we continue to be faithful to this planting, we ask that you join us in our 3-year long-term Planting Seeds for the Kingdom Fundraising Campaign. 1 Corinthians 3:8-9 captures our vision well! “The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 

Our Planting Seeds for the Kingdom Fundraising Campaign objective is to raise $400,000 over the next 3 years. We aim to create two additional learning spaces in the next 1-3 years to accommodate a stable number of students entering our kindergarten program (we currently have 60-63 students enrolled for the second year in a row!). By building these spaces we will provide a consistent educational experience for these students (and future students) as they move up through the grades. In addition to using funds to build learning spaces, we plan to use funds to reduce our mortgage and strengthen our financial roots. 

We are asking for the following support:

Prayer Partners - Please pray for wisdom, discernment, and strength for those who are involved in the planning. We also need prayers for the families that desire Christian education for their children whom we are not able to accommodate (yet). 

Seeds - Will you consider committing financially to our campaign? We are grateful to our board of directors at OCS and initial kickstart donors who have generously given to our campaign to date! What an amazing gift to have so many supporters before we officially launch our campaign. We invite you to join them in contributing through monthly donations, yearly donations, or a one-time lump sum. Our goal is to raise $400,000 over the next 3 years. With such an amazing root system that our plant has, we are confident that we will be able to raise this large amount. 

Planters - We are part of a large community of believers, each with unique gifts and skills. Please consider how the Lord has gifted you and how you could use that gift for this cause. We need builders, drywallers, electricians, plumbers, painters, landscapers, materials, labor, and so on.

Thank you for taking the time to consider how you can help us further our vision of Christian Education to build His kingdom and to do so for His Glory.

Click the picture below to donate today.

Tuition Bursary Fund 

The body of Christ is diverse in many areas. Financial diversity is no exception. At OCS, we wish to support families with varying incomes and situations to enable them to access Christian Education through the tuition bursary fund. These funds are disbursed based on need and availability of funds. 

Click the picture below to donate today.



Additional ways to donate

We are blessed when people see the value of including Ottawa Christian School in their wills and insurance policies. Planned gifts are an excellent way to support our school and provide significant tax benefits. Below are some great organizations with deep roots in support Christian Education and they can assist you if you are interested in leaving a lasting impact.

Click the pictures below to find out more.


You can also mail us a cheque made payable to Ottawa Christian School.

Our address is:

255 Tartan Drive, Ottawa, ON K2J3T1