It is a beautiful thing to watch God work through a community of believers! At Ottawa Christian School, we are blessed with staff, parents, non-parent members, supporters and churches who work together to show our children who they are in Christ and His unconditional love for them. When you donate to OCS, you are donating to the future of our students' intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
Credit card payments are processed through Zeffy, which provides services at zero cost to nonprofits. At the end of your transaction, you will be asked if you would like to give a "donation" to Zeffy which allows them to offset their costs of running this platform. You can if you wish but there is no obligation to do so and you can enter $0.00 in the amount when asked. Whether it’s a one-time donation or a monthly donation, 100% goes to Ottawa Christian School! You will receive an immediate tax receipt for the full amount of your donation, issued by Zeffy on our behalf.
General Fund
In addition to keeping our lights on, toilets flushing, and classrooms stocked, this fund is used to keep our curriculum relevant, access professional development and everything else needed to keep things running smoothly. As we continue to see increasing interest in our school, our most pressing need is to make enhancements to our facility that would assist in accommodating more families. Click the picture below to donate today.
Tuition Bursary Fund
The body of Christ is diverse in many areas. Financial diversity is no exception. At OCS, we wish to support families with varying incomes and situations to enable them to access Christian Education through the tuition bursary fund. These funds are disbursed based on need and availability of funds. Click the picture below to donate today.
Additional ways to donate
We are blessed when people see the value of including Ottawa Christian School in their wills and insurance policies. Planned gifts are an excellent way to support our school and provide significant tax benefits. Below are some great organizations with deep roots in support Christian Education and they can assist you if you are interested in leaving a lasting impact. Click the pictures below to find out more.
You can also mail us a cheque made payable to Ottawa Christian School.
Our address is:
255 Tartan Drive, Ottawa, ON K2J3T1