We love our Grandfriends!

This coming week we will be celebrating our Grandfriends. They speak into our lives in so many different ways. They colour, bake, plant, guide and walk along side us. During this time while we are apart, we wanted to do something little to let them know that we still value our relationships with them. The students in JK-6 have prepared special artwork that was sent out today to help bring a smile to our Grandfriends.

You, Grandfriends, are such an important person in our students life. You, Grandfriends, are helping parents shape your grandchildren. You, Grandfriends, are dearly loved and missed. We long for the day when we can welcome you back into the school to celebrate with you, in person!

“For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Genesis 22:18 ESV